Monday, January 18, 2010

Did you know...

Did you know................
I love, love, love wake boarding! Basically anything in the summer, in the water,= a good time
Shooting guns is one of my favorite things to do....but I have more fun posing for pictures with them I think:)
There is an airplane engine that is named after me
My Grandma lives right by the Tetons!! This is the view from her backyard..gorgeous!!
I am an intense Rollerblader if ya can't tell..
You are considered lucky if I honor you with one of my rockband concerts
Playing airplanes is fun, no matter how old you get
I raised a steer for fair every summer for 10 years!! This is the year I won grand champion. dang look at that beef!

Now it's your turn! Post stuff about yourself that people may not know, or just some fun facts about yourself:) I expect my very few followers to do this;) haha just kidding


  1. haha I love it! Wakeboarding is fun even though I've never done it. Your grandma's view is bomb. Your cow looks delectable. mmmm beef. haha just kidding. I MISS YOU ALLISON! I will make a post about this someday cause I like it.

  2. Rollerblading pic = my favorite. Hilar

    When are you moving back again? Oh, this weekend? Rad.

  3. Hey! You're blog is so cute and loved the tidbits about you! Gald you have it so I can keep up with everone. What are your plans now? Hope everything is going well!
